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Legends Never Die Rules


As a member joining the guild there are certain laws and responsibilities that must be taken as a consideration. Like entering in any community what so ever. Those rules reflect our qualities and ideals, please read all the guild rules in complete details because you will be held responsible in case you break them.

Guild Requirements

-NO Gear is required for members to enter the guild, as long as their twink will reach 70/60 and will be under the process of gearing.

  Any player exceed the twink limit (70) is to be instantly kicked.


-Raid Call is a MUST (no microphone is required)

-Guild Event Manager V.3.75. (Add-on)


-Guild runs requirements will be posted along with “Guild event manager”, in any case the add-on is not used. 

Officers will check the setup and a gear score maybe settled.


-Raid times are between 4-5pm ST, Raids times won’t change depending on the time zone of players, it is required that the players can manage to be able to attend them.


-The guild is only for 70 and 60 twinks ONLY, any other level twink will be not allowed to stay beside regular levelers off course.

Personal Behavior

We expect you to be both a respectable and a respectful person.


-Therefore, we will not allow any guild member being a ninja/scammer of any sort.


-Hacking is strictly prohibited. Any way of Hacking inside of Battlegrounds or world PVP inside and outside Legends Never DIE will be granted an immediate guild removal.


-We won't allow any disrespectful members such as those who insult others over ANY chat channel, be it whispers, local, global, or guild chat.


-We will expect members to never add each other to their ignore list under any circumstances.

  If any problem arises, it can be easily solved with the help of an officer.

  Respecting each other also require that if someone is annoyed by your spamming or joking around or anything of the sort, you are expected to avoid from doing so.


-Speaking in a language other than English in public guild channels is extremely rude and disrespectful to others, and you shouldn't do it.


-Notable respect is expected for the officers and their decisions.

  In any case of disagreement, one is welcome to voice their opinion, but only in a respectful manner.

Performance and Raid Discipline


-We expect your performance to be excellent at all times. (Twink runs)


-If any computer or internet issues arise, you need to contact the officers directly, not after you mess up.


-We expect you to be in PvE spec and gear and to have sufficient flasks and scrolls and potions with you at all times. (twink runs)


-If you do not have enough time to stay for the complete raid, you need to inform the officers about it before you join the raid.


-If you want to go AFK for a small bit or if you want to leave the raid, you are expected to give proper excuse to an officer and wait for their confirmation before doing so.


-If you need to go inactive for a long period of time, you are expected to inform the officers about it and wait for their confirmation before doing so.


-Members are allowed to lead their own raids or attend none guild lead raids under these circumstances:

  The following member already missed the guild main runs. (BT, HS, SP, TK)

  The raid must not be lead at the main raid time of the guild.

  Allowing any other guild member from entering or sharing the loot of the raid that is being led by.


-Under no circumstance shall you be allowed to create drama inside the Raid Chat amid encounters. As indicated before, if you have any problem, feel free to whisper an officer and wait for a pending solution.


-Abuse or misuse of RaidCall (e.g: inappropriate song/voice/comments during boss fights or against members) can only be allowed to a certain extent. It's all fun and games, but remember that you're streaming to 10/25 players who not all are enjoying your music and trolls.


-Attempts to command the raid while not being in an Officer+ rank won't be allowed and can be subject to punishment. Usually, the raids will be led by a couple of officers who are going to issue their judgments and commands when precisely needed.


-Mistakes are forgiven, and we aim to overcome the obstacles that everyone encounters during their gameplay. However, repetitive mistakes, indicating the inefficiency of the player can have certain consequences that would be decided by the officers depending on the severity of the situation.


-Rage-quitting any raid deserves the capital punishment. Due to the act being in a complete conflict of the guild ideals, it will be deemed as such. Refrain yourself from such a despicable action.


-MS will have priority over OS.


-While PuGing raids the loot will be shared along with 80’s, Tokens/Legendries/mounts are SHARED, other loot is rolled according to MS/OS twink priority.


-While in Twink run loot is always on ML and again MS/OS.


-It’s not allowed for Players to roll on Items for the only benefit of gear appearance, If no one acutely need the gear then it will be considered.


-it’s highly recommended that twinks to pass loot for those who need more or less geared than them, for example if your nearly BIS and a hand dropped that won’t really change much of your status but it could be better while your friend is barely geared, it would be a nice act to pass the loot. And there are many examples that are based on the same concept.


-If any member was given Loot that does not belong to him by any mistake. The player must return it to the leader or rightful owner of that loot what so ever. Any opposing actions will end up in consequences.  


Performance and Battleground Discipline

-Supporting any 78/79 twinks in battlegrounds is strictly prohibited. Most of us hate 78/79 twinks, if you want them to disappear don’t help them.


- We expect your performance to be excellent at all times.


- Under no circumstance shall you be allowed to create drama inside the Battleground. As indicated before, if you have any problem, feel free to whisper an officer and wait for a pending solution.


-Its highly recommended to listen to officers decisions in Battlegrounds for the benefit of the battle.

Guild Bank

Our Guild Bank will be occupied with all the basic needs for any proper Guild run/Battleground premade, including Flasks/Potions/Feasts/Scrolls/Gems/Event Epics.


-DKP system will be used for members to be able to Purchase the items, prices will be set by officers.


-Raids/events will give members DKP. (5 DKP per boss, event DKP will be given depending on the scale of the event and its content)


-Bounce DKP can also be given and rewarded for varies reasons. (High performance, impressive efforts, etc)


-It’s strictly prohibited for members who use the Guild Bank for gold gain or out of the domain of the

Raid/battleground Raegan. Any member detected for such action will be punished and in extreme measures kicked.

Guild Kick

-Guild kicks are not all permanent, it all depend on the situation that the player was kicked for. If the kick is not of a great value (ex: kicked for insulting) the guild offers 1 more chance under the circumstances that the player never repeat the action that caused the kick, yet if the player had to be kicked for a 2nd time it will be permanent. On the other hand not all players maybe granted a 2nd chance, it all depend on the situation and setup that is being provided.


-Kicks also include all the Alternatives that a player have.

Guild Event Manager (GEM) and Add-ons

-Guild Event Manager is a very nice add-on in which it will enable Raid/Battleground/event control, it’s like a schedule add-on with a registration option. Players will be able to book their spots in the raid and get invited on time. Yet any player already registered and missed the raid time won’t be invited. In the future it’s allowed for Guild members to host their own small events in which all player can view and register for it, but for now it’s not an appropriate action.


-It’s highly recommended that PVE tankers will have the add-on Omen which allow them to track their and the raids agro.


-It’s highly recommended that PVE/PVP healer will have the add-on Healbot which allow them to manage their healing and make it easier.

Raid Call

-Raid call is a very nice and simple voice chatting application with nice features, this app will be used for better communication with the guild either as a meeting/Raid/Battleground/event or any other reason.


-Everyone is more than welcome to join it at any time or even stream music. A Microphone is not needed but hearing our members and interacting is a pleasure.


-If any problems occurred upon installation, or any error arise please contact an officer to help you out with the application.


-As listed before, Abuse or misuse of Raid Call can only be allowed to a certain extent. It's all fun and games, but remember that you're streaming to players who not all are enjoying your music and trolls.


-The Raid Call will be divided into groups, every player must use each appropriately for example if a player want to stream music use “Music group” if for PVP use the “PVP channel” and etc.

Officer recruits

Any Member is willing to be a future officer in our guild is welcome, members who are willing to be officers can only be accepted under these circumstances:


 -No player will be granted without at least a minimum amount of time (not less than week) to be tested for this rank.


-any potential member of being an officer must have the skill and knowledge to be put in any situation needed for example handling raids events or any opposing conflict that may arise in the guild.


-player who will be tested as officers will be undergoing a series of questioning, to acknowledge each players stand.




These rules list can be change at any time. Make sure to visit once in a while.


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